
Here is a list of frequently asked questions and answers.

Who Founded HBMI and why?

The Home Business Marketing Institute was founded by Garry Gnapp to help others start and run a business from home and create the freedom that Garry has enjoyed for over 20 years.

What is the Home Business Marketing Institute's vision?

The Home Business Marketing Institute offers big resources at a tiny price, designed to help people like you succeed and prosper through a unique 'Member's Only' website where you can get all the resources, tools, support and encouragement that you need to start, run and market your own successful Home Based Business.

When you become a member of the Home Business Marketing Institute you are going to discover how to ‘Break the Chains of Mediocrity’ in your life and take specific, easy to follow steps towards a richer, more meaningful, more enjoyable and much more fulfilling life…

What subjects are covered in the Home Business Marketing Institute resources?

As a member, you will get exclusive access to a growing library of resources including eBooks, reports and detailed step by step video courses that cover a wide range of marketing strategies, mindset and home business-related subjects.

The monthly membership is very affordable (cheap) but what is the value?

The value of your Home Business Marketing Institute membership far exceeds the tiny monthly investment - whilst we could easily have hundreds of people paying $197 per month we would much rather help thousands of people like you invest only $47 a month to escape the rat race and enjoy the personal time and financial freedom that having a home-based business can bring.

You have an affiliate program - what does this mean?

When you join the Home Business Marketing Institute Member Program you automatically become an affiliate partner.

What that means is that, if you choose to, whenever you recommend the Home Business Marketing Institute to your friends, colleagues, business associates, team members and contacts you will be rewarded with an additional income stream not only quite capable of funding your marketing expenses but also potentially providing you with an additional, regular, substantial profit stream.

The Home Business Marketing Institute offers big resources at a tiny price, designed to help people succeed and prosper. With an easy to recommend a product like the Home Business Marketing Institute, a Funded Proposal business model like ours works like a charm.

You will earn 50% of every successful membership sale – so you only need to make 2 referrals using your unique affiliate link and as long as they remain members. In effect, your own membership is free! Any more than 2 referrals and you are in profit.

Our system has everything covered with tracking your sales and you will have your own affiliate commission report in the menu to see your sales and watch your earnings grow.

Can I download the resources to my computer?

All the Home Business Marketing Institute eBooks and Reports are available for you as a member to download to your computer so you will be able to study them whilst offline. To view the Video Courses you will need to be online and logged in to your member area.

I currently have a full-time job - will the Home Business Marketing Institute still be of value to me?

Absolutely! In fact, we highly recommend everyone with a job to start a home business part-time. These days job security is a thing of the past and it makes a lot of sense to build a financial safety net while you still have a job. Having multiple streams of income is the key to security in the 21st Century. If you have a dream to eventually fire your boss and go full time you can make that decision when the income from your home business is big enough and secure enough to get out of the rat race for good!

I am a complete newbie - will the Home Business Marketing Institute still be of value to me?

Absolutely! If you haven't decided on a home business we will help you decide on which business model will be best suited to your skills and personality and how to launch and market whatever you decide on.

I already have a home-based business - will the Home Business Marketing Institute still be of value to me?

Absolutely! You will find a plethora of marketing strategies that will help you to market and grow your current business as well as ways to expand your income streams. We are confident that you will always be learning ways to improve and tweak whatever you are you may already be doing to market your current home business.

Will I be overloaded with information?

The reason we provide you with new information and strategies on a month to month basis is so you will not be overloaded and instead will have time to implement the strategies we teach you before moving on to the next.

How long does it take for me to get access to the Home Business Marketing Institute resources once I join?

As soon as you join you will get immediate access to the Month 1 resources. Each and every month you will receive your next month of resources. Your marketing library will continue to grow as long as you remain a member. All previous months remain accessible so you can always go back and revise or implement a strategy you did not implement at the time it became available.

Can I access Home Business Marketing Institute on my Mobile Device?

Yes, both the main site and the member area are mobile friendly which means you can use the site on any mobile device of your choice.

Are my personal details safe?

We take your privacy very seriously and will never share your personal details.

If I no longer wish to continue my Home Business Marketing Institute membership can I cancel?

Yes, there are no contracts and you can cancel your membership easily at any time.

If you have any questions not covered in these Q&As please feel to ask via our contact page Click Here